We have an addition to our family! His name is Wyatt Danger Rice.
The reason for his middle name, "Danger" is I have always thought Danger would be such a cute name for a dog, however it hardly seems safe to have a dog named Danger in the city.... I can see it now, DANGER, here DANGER in a city park and everyone is scared, looking around wondering what the DANGER is. So we settled on Danger as his middle name.
Jordan and I have been joking around about getting a puppy since we were dating. It has kind of been a running joke, I would randomly say "PUPPY PUPPY PUPPY" (I love puppies, who doesn't?). After we were married Jordan said something like "I know we always joke about getting a puppy, but I think we should really do it." So the search began!
Luckily Tiffany knew we were looking for a Chocolate Lab and the breeder they bought Roscoe from was having another litter! So we started corresponding with the breeder out of Rexburg Idaho about the littler and soon after our first email/phone call we sent our deposit check!
We picked him
We love our little guy! Spending the day with him on Monday was great! Yesterday Jordan and I both went to work and came home for lunch to find a mess in his crate.... we neglected him too soon. I spent a few hours at home this morning, Jordan spent lunch with him and I'm going home from work early this afternoon to be with him again. Jordan is taking him tomorrow to Hill City for a long weekend of farming as Jordan helps his d
I hope little Wyatt is okay being away from his mom for 5 days... Jordan will be home on Monday. I don't know if I'll be okay, but I hope Wyatt is okay! The reason I won't be joining my men in Hill City is because I will be attending a wedding in Silverton Oregon with my parents. Gert Delong's granddaughter is getting married, Lisa Green.
Oh and Wyatt loves to lay
He is soo caauuuttteee!