Monday, May 28, 2012

New Patio! Bring on SUMMER!

This winter we had a lot of rain and mud, combine that with a 90lbs puppy and you get LOTS of dead grass. We decided we needed to get a sidewalk to Wyatt's kennel (on the other side of our garage). One thing lead to another we needed a new patio all together. 

Below is our OLD patio, with the sprinkle pipes removed, as we were getting ready for the patio guys to come! 

The DURING.... thank goodness for the equipment! 
That was a LOUD day! Sorry neighbors. 
The guys were at our house on a Saturday from 7am-10pm 
doing the removal and prep for the new. 

The following Saturday they came and poured! 
Jordan helped out and ran a wheel-barrow, one and a half trucks of cement later, it was poured. 
I was, of course, a great manager and drink supplier! 

 This weekend we got the grass seed planted around the edges and more of the finish work done. 
We are ready to ENJOY our patio! 
Bring on the summer! 
We also are thankful for our patio set we received as a wedding gift! 
As you can tell, we planned the patio with the furniture in mind :) 

And my flowers are planted and I love the color they add! 
 Last but not least, Wyatt has a sidewalk to his kennel, well it's more for US than Wyatt! 

Needless to say, we LOVE our patio!!!!!!!!!! 
We just need our grass to grow (might be tough with a 90lbs puppy)!