Monday, May 2, 2011

Wedding Week

What does the week of your wedding feel like?
Well it has just begun but thus far:

Sunday was "normal" we got a lot of things done around the house, did lawn work and got a few things in order for the wedding.

Monday, at work (although I don't really want to be) trying to do work an not think of the wedding and things that need to be done. Tonight we are meeting with our celebrant, Father Len.

The plan for the rest of the week:
Tuesday: Go to work even though I don't feel like. Another "normal" day.

Wednesday: Decide if I wish to NOT go to work OR to work a half day (the way Mon/Tues look I have a feeling I'll choose not to attend work) Get things done! Clean the house a little, afternoon massage, pack a "Bridal Kit" get things organized. Pick up Dan at the Boise airport at 8:00pm, pick up Bridget at the airport at 10:00pm. SLEEP

Thursday: A delivery of roses will be coming to the house at some point, make sure someone is at the house until they arrive. Dan will organize us in "prepping" the roses for Aunt Donna. Mani/Pedi appointments afternoon/early evening. Mom and Dad arrive in Boise!

Friday: LOTS TO DO! Take things to the church, get set up, wait for BLISS EVENTS to come in and set up! Go home, get ready for rehearsal dinner, arrive at church to see everything set up by BLISS EVENTS and enjoy the evening of rehearsal and rehearsal dinner!


Can't wait! Is it Wednesday yet? These 2 days of working are killing me :)

1 comment:

  1. I think "Smile, Happy, Married!" worked out pretty well!!! Congrats :) Love you!
